

The Digital Supply Chain Company

Supplier FAQs

No, you can only confirm a PO once. If you need to make changes after the purchase order is confirmed, please contact the buyer.

Suppliers may edit the following fields during the self-confirmation process:

  • Manufacturer item ID

  • Vendor item number

  • UPC Code

  • Quantity ordered

  • Price

  • Delivery date

To confirm a PO:
Step 1 –聽Click to open the main menu and choose PO Confirmation
Step 2 –聽Identify a location 鈥 click the drop-down arrow in the Limit PO by Location field
Step 3 –聽Choose your PO number 鈥 click the drop-down arrow in the Select Purchase Order field
Step 4 –聽Click submit. ZEUS loads the purchase order and opens the confirmation screen for editing
Step 5 –聽Confirm or edit the manufacturer鈥檚 item ID, vendor item number, UPC code, quantity ordered, price and delivery date
Step 6 –聽Confirm the individual PO lines by checking the Confirm box at the right end of each line
Step 7 –聽Click the Confirm button to submit the confirmed lines and exit back to the home page OR click the Select Another PO button to confirm the current lines and move on to the next PO to confirm.

You have two options. Do the mathematical calculation and change the price to match the invoice quantity and unit price OR contact 91次元鈥檚 buyer who is authorized to change the unit of measure on existing purchase orders.

Once a PO is confirmed, it drops off the PO Confirmation list. If you need to view the PO again, use the PO Status function and type in the PO number. You will be able to see the PO confirmation and ASN status.

Step 1 –聽Click to open the main menu and choose Advanced Shipping Notice
Step 2 –聽Enter a PO number OR choose a location and choose a PO from the drop-down list
Step 3 –聽Fill in the following fields:

  • Packing Slip / Invoice No. 鈥 if available
  • Quantity 鈥 NOTE: Quantity shipped cannot exceed quantity ordered
  • Tracking # 鈥 Enter applicable tracking number 鈥 if using own truck, enter 鈥渙wn truck鈥
  • Ship Via 鈥 NOTE: If you choose Common as the shipper, you must enter the trucking company name in the Common Carrier field
  • Ship Date 鈥 Date material was shipped; click the calendar icon to choose a date from the calendar

Step 4 –聽Once you have all the required information entered, click the Submit to exit back to the home page OR Select Another PO, to submit the current PO and open the next PO in the ASN queue. The PO will disappear from the drop-down list when there is an Advanced Shipping Notice for each PO line

Step 1 –聽Click to open the main menu and choose Voucher Entry
Step 2 –聽Enter a PO number OR choose a location and choose a PO from the drop-down list
Step 3 –聽Click the Submit button
Step 4 –聽Update the following fields:

  • Invoice number 鈥 exactly as it appears on your invoice

  • Invoice date 鈥 click the calendar icon to choose a date from the calendar. The invoice date cannot be in the past (earlier than today鈥檚 date). Don鈥檛 submit an invoice that is already late via the Supplier Portal!

  • Invoice amount (this must equal the total amount of the voucher).

Step 5 –聽Click submit

ZEUS creates a voucher entry confirmation page. You can print this page for your records.

If the PO matches your invoice exactly, enter the invoice number, date, amount and click submit.

Your invoice is now submitted for payment.

Yes. ZEUS displays the PO lines available for payment and will be on the voucher entry page.

To edit a line, click the word edit (right end of the line). That opens the Current Invoice QTY and Unit Invoice Price fields for editing. Make your changes to the quantity and/or price and click update.

ZEUS allows you to edit quantities and pricing. You may also remove PO lines that won鈥檛 appear in your current invoice. Click the word聽remove聽for those lines and submit. You can submit an invoice when the backordered items ship.

When performing voucher entry on the portal, you can enter invoices as much as six (6) months before today鈥檚 date.

Step 1 –聽Click on the Add Line button
Step 2 –聽A down arrow appears in the Item Description field. Click it and choose a charge type from the drop-down menu
Step 3 –聽Tab over to the quantity and price fields and update with the correct values
Step 4 –聽Click the word update at the right end of the line
Step 5 –聽Click the Submit button

If an item鈥檚 unit invoice price is different from the PO price, please contact the 91次元鈥檚 Call Center at (888) 435-7734 for help.

If the total miscellaneous charges are greater than allowed, special approval is required from the 91次元 buyer. Additional charges and higher prices must have the buyer鈥檚 approval and may require them to update the purchase order.

Once the miscellaneous line charges have been approved, click on update, key in the invoice amount to match the total amount of the voucher and press the Submit button.

The Voucher Info function allows you to look up payments by:

  • Date range

  • Invoice ID

  • Payment ID

  • Voucher ID

Step 1 –聽Click to open the main menu and choose Voucher Info
Step 2 –聽Choose your country from the drop-down menu. Click the Send button
Step 3 –聽Select a report range from the Select Report drop-down menu
Step 4 –聽Check the box for Unpaid Vouchers or Paid Vouchers. Click the Go button
Step 5 –聽ZEUS returns a table with voucher and payment information.

Use the scroll bar at the bottom of the page to see additional columns of data.

You may also search by transaction and limit the search to a specific invoice and/or date range. Once you set the report parameters, the system displays the transactions for the chosen reporting period and displays the following:

  • Payment ID

  • Payment date

  • Voucher ID

  • Scheduled due date

  • Invoice ID

  • Amount

  • Payment status

  • Match exception status

  • Payment ID reference